From BAAVSS-ALERT, December 17th 2009


We've been asked by Axel Schwope of the Astrophysikalisches Institut
Potsdam (AIP) for help with support in an upcoming observation with
XMM-Newton of the magnetic cataclysmic variable V405 Peg (aka
RBS1955). The object has a minimum brightness in I of 14.14.
Coordinates are 23 09 49.33 +21 35 18.0. It is an evening target,
visible for a few hours as soon as it is dark.

XMM-Newton will observe on 2009-12-29 commencing at UT18:51:56 for
12.5 hours, hence observations between Dec 28 and 30 are highly
welcomed, preferably in filters B and I for timing analysis and for
establishing the broad-band spectral energy distribution. However,
although filtered observations are preferred, unfiltered are quite
acceptable and if you only have a V filter then that is the
second-best option after B for the blue channel.

Axel further advises that a simple text file will suffice giving date,
time, filter and magnitude and sent directly to him at
<>. Any time format is fine as long as it is unique
(JD or date, hours, minutes, seconds etc). An error would also be
good, but it could be estimated from the scatter of the comparison, in
which case the magnitudes of the comparison would be needed per frame.

Essentials on the target (coordinates, finding chart, comparison star
information, existing light curves and the case for support) can be
found at:-

The bright star in the bottom left of the finder chart is TYC 1718
1749 at V mag 10.564.

As stated above, please send your results to Axel Schwope
<> with a copy to myself at

Roger Pickard, Director BAA VSS