J. Brit. Astron. Assoc., 108, 1, 1998, p.8

New asteroid discovery is a real team effort

On 1997 November 30 Claire and Mark Armstrong were using their 250mm LX200 SCT operating at f/3.3 with a Starlight Xpress CCD to image galaxies for the UK Nova/Supernova Patrol. At 21.30 UT they imaged a suspect mag 16 object near NGC765 (left). A second image 25 minutes later clearly showed movement and ruled out a possible supernova. The right-hand image was taken at 22.28 UT.

Claire and Mark measured the positions using Astrometrica software and reported to the Patrol via Martin Mobberley. They measured confirmation images on December 3 and reported to Guy Hurst. Stephen Laurie also imaged the object on December 2/3 and used Computer-Aided Astrometry to confirm that all the images were of the same object. Nick James obtained further measured positions on December 5 and 6. Guy Hurst reported the observations to the Minor Planet Center on December 6, and the object quickly received the designation 1997 WQ28.

It is not yet known if this is a new asteroid or the recovery of an object that had been lost since it was first reported.

Above: CCD images of 1997 WQ28 and the area of NGC765 by C. & M. Armstrong.

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