64p 20181012 fhemmerich

comet 64p/Swift-Gehrels and Andromeda galaxy M31 with molecular clouds. The famous photo of Rogelio (who taught us to see the surroundings of M31 anew) inspired me to combine the RGB images of yesterday's approach of the comet to M31 with a synchronous image in h-alpha light. It amazed me that with a 250 Euro lens, the basic structures of the molecular clouds could at least be visualized a bit.
Synchronous recording on an EQ8 (unguided):
(1) RGB: 150 x 30 sec, Canon 200mm F1.8 (@2.5), Sony A7s, ISO 4000
(2) hAlpha: 46 x 150 sec, Samyang 85mm F1.4 (@1.4), ASI 1600 mono cooled
Tenerife, 1180 m a.s.l, 2018-10-12 22h - 24h UT

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:27:56 BST 2023