2013us10 20160105 2016 hkato

C/2013 US10 Catalina with FSQ-106ED and Reducer QE 0.73x January 5, 2016 UTC

The comet was drifting fast toward the north. We were watching the comet up toward the north from the Earth. Relatively dense yellowish dust tail was following the core of the comet with slight curvature and fan-shaped distribution including very faint part. The straight ion tail got shorter about 5 degrees. North is up.

Earth Distance: 0.807 AU

Sun Distance: 1.249 AU

equipment: Takahashi FSQ-106ED, Reducer QE 0.73x, and Canon EOS 5Dmk2-sp2, modified by Seo-san on Takahashi EM-200 Temma 2 Jr, autoguided at the condensation of the halo of the comet with Takahashi FS-60C f/5.9, SX Lodestar, and PHD Guiding

The halo was so dark at the night that I need to take exposure for 10 seconds with PHD guiding even through relatively fast guide scope at f/5.9.

exposure: 2 times x 15 minutes, 11 x 4 min, 2x1 minute at ISO 1,600 and f/3.6

The first exposure started at 12:11:17 January 5, 2016UTC.

All of four-minute exposures were taken after moonrise.

site: 11,000 feet above sea level near Mauna Loa Observatory in The Big Island, Hawaii

SQM-L read up to 21.87.

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:05:39 BST 2023