2023p1 20230815 rroberto

Here is my image of the new comet C/2023 P1 taken on the morning of August 15th (in the image there are the data of the time, the luminosity and its position). This is the sum of 19x6sec made with the Frasso Sabino telescope (diameter 369mm, focal length 2493mm). North up and east to the left. Scale 1".25/pixel and field approximately 21'.6x32'.4. Made with the clear filter (and CMOS sensor), in my opinion it could be brighter than 9.1 (magnitude you see in the picture was made with a diameter of 40pixel ie 50"). The effective diameter is about 100pixel ie 2'.1 I used fewer pixels because a fairly bright star enters the circle which could slightly distort the comet's magnitude, but at the same time I used a narrower radius to derive the magnitude and perhaps this compensates. However, in my opinion, its possible absolute magnitude (consider that the comet was just 1.00AU from the Sun at that moment) could be 8.0. I also attach the orbital elements taking into account the exclusion of all those positions that have an error greater than 2" and for the eccentricity I have used the symbolic value of 1.
C/2023 P1
Perihelion 2023 Sep 18.286388 +/- 0.062 TT; Constraint: e=1
Epoch 2023 Aug 15.0 TT = JDT 2460171.5 Earth MOID: 0.0729 Ve: 0.0479
q 0.21927860 +/- 0.000484
Peri. 117.84745 +/- 0.14
Node 68.11007 +/- 0.10
Incl. 129.50809 +/- 0.25
e 1.0 +/- 0
56 of 71 observations 2023 Aug. 11-15; mean residual 0".7 

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