2012k1 20140919 1844 nirmalpaul

Information for the image :
Object - C/2012 K1 (PanSTARRS)
Date of Observation - 20140919
Time of Observation - 18:44:56
Observer Name - Nirmal Paul
Location of Observation - iTelescope SSO, NSW, Australia (MPC - Q62)
Camera Details - CCD: SBIG STL-11000M
Anti Blooming Gate (ABG)
Pixel Size: 9um Square
Resolution: 3.5 arc-secs/pixel
Filter information - Luminance
Exposure Time - 180 sec
Plate scale - 9360 x 6240 arc sec/pixel
Position Angle - +00° 31'
Axes - North pointing up

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 08:04:14 BST 2023