1936k1 19360730 rlwaterfield

I put the existing Waterfield pic through astrometry.net it looks as if it was taken on the morning of 1936 July 30:

Center (RA, Dec):    (335.840, 31.506)
Center (RA, hms):    22h 23m 21.600s
Center (Dec, dms):    +31 30' 20.740"
Size:    9.79 x 5.68 deg
Radius:    5.658 deg
Pixel scale:    13.1 arcsec/pixel
Orientation:    Up is 186 degrees E of N

JPL Horzons gives the following positions:

 1936-Jul-29 00:00     22 29 44.43 +36 24 03.2   4.608    n.a.  Lac
 1936-Jul-30 00:00  m  22 23 35.69 +31 49 21.6   4.485    n.a.  Peg

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 07:59:30 BST 2023