17p 20071102 2245 mtaylor


   Comet  yr/m/d(UT)  
                 method mag. ref.  ap(cm) type     magn. diam.  dc   tail   obsr.
   17P/   071027.77 S   2.1  TT    7      B         16   5.9    -     -     M.D.Taylor
   17P/   071027.77 S   2.5  TT    2.5    B         8    3.8    -     -     M.D.Taylor               
   17P/   071028.95 -   -     -    8      R         26   6.6    -     -     M.D.Taylor.1
   17P/   071029.74 S   3.0  TT    -      NE        -    -      -     -     M.D.Taylor
   17P/   071029.74 -   -     -    7      B         16   8.4    -     -     M.D.Taylor
   17P/   071102.05 S   3.0  TT    -      NE        -    -      -     -     M.D.Taylor
   17P/   071102.05 -   -     -    7      B         16   15.6   -     -     M.D.Taylor
   17P/   071102.94 -   -     -    8      R         26   18.7   -     -     M.D.Taylor.2 
   17P/   071105.90 S   3.0  TT    2.5    B         8    20.0   3     -     M.D.Taylor
   17P/   071105.96 -   -     -    8      R         26   13.2   5     -     M.D.Taylor.3
   17P/   071107.80 -   -     -    7      B         16   18.6   4     -     M.D.Taylor.4
   17P/   071107.85 -   2.9  TT    2.5    B         8    19.6   3     -     M.D.Taylor 
   17P/   071108.96 S   3.0  TT    2.5    B         8    21.2   3     -     M.D.Taylor
   17P/   071111.85 -   -     -    7      B         16   28x25  4     -     M.D.Taylor.5
   17P/   071111.85 S   3.2  TT    2.5    B         8    23.8   2     -     M.D.Taylor   
   notes: S = Sidgwick method of total mag. but for NE obs this is probably not valid
          TT = Tycho V mags
          B = mounted 16x70 binoc or hand-held 8x25 roof prism type
          NE = naked eye
          diam = coma diam. arc mins.
          R = 80mm f/5 refra + star diag. x 26 magn.
          1: stars seen thru' oblate coma   
          2: 071102.94 again there is a star near the brightest part of the inner regions,
             mag. 9(?) and the internal elongated coma axis lies to PA 190*.
          3: s. edge of comet appears flattened (non circular),mag. 10 stars near ext. coma.
          4: shape of coma is oblate, flattened with major axis to PA 190*.
            (A probable, spurious observation with 16x70B suggested a long curving tail to PA        
             280* ) 
          5: The coma is distinct oblate and the size was measured from a drawing via                     Millennium star atlas. The inner cd is elongated with its axis to PA 193*.
   MDT, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, UK.   [2007 Nov 12] 

Page last updated: Sun 2 Apr 07:59:06 BST 2023