103p 20231011 dbartlett

103P/ Hartley 2023-10-11 015640PDT
Wasat with NGC 2366 and Moderately bright Comet 103P/ Hartley from this Morning 2023-10-11.
Astrobin Full res: https://astrob.in/xazrgp/B/
Delta Geminorum (Wasat) and 12th magnitude spiral galaxy appear in the scene  this morning as 10th magnitude comet 103P/ Hartley passes by.    Perihelion for comet Hartley is tomorrow!
Observational details:
Backyard setup
scope: C14 D = 356mm; fl =729mm; F# 2
camera: asi 2600mcP
exposure: 135 x60 sec
Seeing: 1/5 _30kts Windgusts
Transparency: 7/10
Observer: DEBartlett
Location: June Lake, California, USA
Image Details:
Projection ............... Gnomonic
Projection origin ........ [1424.562683 778.354757] px -> [RA:  7 23 04.995  Dec: +22 06 47.19]
Resolution ............... 2.128 arcsec/px
Rotation ................. -3.040 deg
Reference system ......... ICRS
Observation start time ... 2023-10-11 08:56:41 UTC
Observation end time ..... 2023-10-11 08:57:41 UTC
Geodetic coordinates ..... 119 04 46 W  37 46 30 N  2357 m
Focal distance ........... 728.82 mm
Pixel size ............... 7.52 um
Field of view ............ 1d 41' 4.7" x 55' 13.3"
Image center ............. RA:  7 23 04.995  Dec: +22 06 47.19  ex: +0.059937 px  ey: +0.173174 px
Image bounds:
   top-left .............. RA:  7 26 37.117  Dec: +22 36 52.12  ex: +0.031763 px  ey: +0.280163 px
   top-right ............. RA:  7 19 20.253  Dec: +22 31 30.35  ex: -0.850909 px  ey: +0.072883 px
   bottom-left ........... RA:  7 26 48.131  Dec: +21 41 46.20  ex: -0.190363 px  ey: -0.075134 px
   bottom-right .......... RA:  7 19 34.491  Dec: +21 36 27.67  ex: +0.128600 px  ey: +0.060717 px

Page last updated: Fri 29 Mar 07:08:48 GMT 2024